How to Grip a Golf Driver Correctly

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How to Grip a Golf Driver

Slicing your driver and blaming your grip? Or maybe you’re hooking the driver instead?

Learninn how to grip a driver will help you hit straighter drives consistently. Though it’s unlikely the only solution to hitting the driver better, without the right grip for the big stick will affect the distance, accuracy, and consistency of your drives.

Here, I’ll cover everything you need to know about the correct driver golf grip.

Why Gripping the Driver Correctly Matters

If I were to tell you that the right grip could make or break your game, would you believe me? The driver grip influences not just the control of the face on impact, but also the accuracy of your wrist hinges throughout the golf swing. Not to mention, a poor grip will lead to injuries like the golf elbow, especially with the driver.

The Power of the Proper Grip

Ever wondered how Tiger Woods, a.k.a, the ‘Big Cat’, became a golfing titan? A big part of it boils down to his ability to adapt his grip based on his playing style. He’s been known to alternate between a strong and a weak grip, adjusting his approach to complement his swing. It’s like changing your shoes to match your outfit, only, in this case, it’s matching your grip to your swing.

How to Grip a Driver?

Gripping a driver is no different from how you grip the rest of your golf clubs. However, for most beginners, going with a stronger golf grip is highly recommended to help hit off the tee straighter. That said, whether you’d side with an interlocking or overlapping grip is up to you. Personally, I recommend a strong interlock grip when it comes to your driver. To do this make sure to interlock/ cross-over both pinkies on your grip, from there allow your left arm to come slightly more over-the-top creating that stronger position we are looking for.

Driver Grip vs Iron Grip: The Great Golf Debate

Is there a difference between gripping a driver and an iron? If you’ve been losing sleep over this, I’ve got good news for you: there isn’t. What you use for your irons is likely what you use for your driver. What changes is how you might prefer to grip your driver – typically stronger than an iron.

Go With A Strong Grip With The Driver

A strong grip can be your secret weapon with a driver. It can help reduce a slice which is what most of us struggle with when it comes to the driver. This works because a stronger grip helps the club close on impact more than with a neutral grip. With such a steep loft on the driver, having the club face slightly opened on impact won’t be as forgiving as your irons, that’s why a stronger grip is advised.

If you’re a beginner, consider having a stronger grip with your driver. I mean, if it’s good enough for Tiger Woods, it’s good enough for us, right? To find out for yourself!

How to Hit a Driver With a Strong Grip

If you’re new to the strong grip and just swapped over from neutral for the driver, don’t change how you’re hitting with the driver. Give a few swings with this new style and see how you’re golf shot adjusts accordingly. Chances are you’re going to see it fly straighter.

But must you use a strong grip? No, this is just a recommendation for most beginners. Chances are, you’re here because you can’t stop slicing the driver, and if you’re blaming the grip, then it’s likely you’re grip is too neutral. Personally, this is what I did to fix my slices. However, after using the strong grip for some time, I started hooking my shots. I later swapped back to neutral and started hitting straight from there! I presume my hands began to square the club face naturally after hitting so many shots with a strong grip!

How Hard Should You Grip Your Driver?

For the driver grip pressure, imagine you’re squeezing a wet towel, just to the point where it’s about to drip. That’s how hard you should grip your driver. Too soft, and your driver is likely flying out of your hands and not in sync with your swing plane. Too hard, and you might as well be playing baseball. A firm but relaxed grip allows for control and flexibility in your swing, which is what you’re aiming for. Plus, it’s what contributes to creating a faster club head speed!

Getting a Handle on Grip Size: It’s Not One Size Fits All

Your grip size can be as personal as your choice of socks – standard, midsize, or jumbo. Each can significantly affect your performance on the course. Don’t believe me? Ask any golfer who’s made the switch. Or better yet, book a session with a fitter to find the perfect size for your grip.

If you’re not looking for a professional fit by a Pro fitter, then I recommend trying a fatter grip with the driver. It gives you much more feel of the head, and thus more control! I’ve seen it help many golfers hit much better drives consistently. You’ll be shocked at how a change in grip size will affect your overall golf shots off the tee.

The Material and Texture of Grips

Grip materials can vary as much as the weather on a golf course. From rubber to leather (older drivers), corded to wrap, each comes with its pros and cons. The texture can also play a significant role in your grip. It’s all about what feels good in your hand. And let’s be honest, we all know what it’s like to play with something that just doesn’t feel right. To be honest, I’d just get a standard rubber-style grip. If your hands are more sweaty, then get the cord grips.

Troubleshooting 101: Dodging the Slice and Hook With the Driver

For most golfers, slicing with the driver or any golf club is likely their main issue. With the driver, we said that a strong interlock or overlap grip is what would work for most. Especially for the slice. But what about a hook? If we’re looking specifically at the grip, then make your grip weaker from neutral! And if that doesn’t work, then it’s likely not related to your grip.

Should I Wear a Glove When Hitting a Driver?

Golfing with a glove is like having pineapple on pizza – it’s not for everyone. But hey, some swear by it, while others prefer the feel of the club in their bare hands. As always, it’s about personal preference. Whatever makes you comfortable is what you should go with. However, I’ve yet to really see a golfer drive the ball without the glove! It’s more of a putting thing.

Maintenance Matters: Keeping Your Grip in Top Shape

Like everything else in life, your grip also needs care and attention. Changing your grip periodically is as essential as cleaning your clubs. Look for signs of wear and tear – if your grip is as slick as an eel, it’s time for a change. Regular maintenance can not only extend your grip’s lifespan but also improve your performance on the course.

I recommend that if you play once a week, get your grip swapped at least once a year.

Summary of How to Grip a Golf Driver

Gripping a driver might seem simple, but there’s a world of difference between the right and wrong style you side with. The right grip can turn a day of slicing and hooking into a day of straight shots down the fairway. Generally, we recommend a strong interlock or overlap grip with the driver because it helps hit the ball straighter by helping the club face square more easily.

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Mark has been an avid golfer for more than 15 years and has reviewed golf clubs since 2015. He is also the founder of the Golf Leap Blog site.

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